What is The HateBusters Project?
HateBusters is a 24-month Erasmus+ EU project that includes 5 organizations from 5 european countries working on the prevention of hate speech and cyber bullying.
When is it happening?
The project started in May 2020 and ended in May 2022.
Who is it for?
The project´s target groups were firstly multipliers (such as youth workers, trainers, educators, teachers and ngo members) and secondly young people (especially those with the risk of marginalization).
What are the aims of the project?
The HateBusters Project aims to
- equip youth workers and young people with skills on recognizing and dealing with hate speech online and offline equip youth workers and young people with skills on recognizing and dealing with hate speech online and offline and cyberbullying
- empower them to work further for preventing the causes that lead to this dangerous phenomenon, by connecting more the offline –“real-life” behavior with the online behavior and the real life impact that online hate speech and cyberbullying have on individuals.

What are the project´s main activities?
The following main activities were planed and implemented:

HateBusters Training
15 youth workers and staff members of the partner organizations participated in the one-week learning, teaching and training activity where they were trained on the main themes of the project, in order to have a common basis level of knowledge. Participants for the “Training of HateBusters” were selected by each partner organization with common selection criteria set by the partnership.

HateBusters Guide: how to build a bottom-up campaign against Hate
is a digital guide of 50 pages, which aims to offer theoretical and practical knowledge for the recognition, identification and classification of different forms of hate speech and its impact on young people, introduce the central elements of a society against hate and to equip the target group with the know-how, tools and methods for building a buttom-up campaign. The guide contains information, tools, methods that the target group can use in order to first identify and classify hate speech and its different forms in an online and offline level and secondly to build bottom-up youth campaigns that will attract and activate young people against hate.
Target: young activists and multipliers (youth workers, members of organizations, associations, or grassroots movements)

HateBusters Awareness Toolkit
is a complete campaign and a guide that has as an aim to combat cyberbullying and hate speech both in an online and offline level through the promotion of democracy and the common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights. The toolkit aims to connect their offline behavior with their online presence and promote the well being and safety in both digital and offline level.
Sub-outputs: HateBusters Educational and Awareness Building Videos, The “Lazy” Person’s guide to become a HateBuster: Mobilisation of the Young People Guide, HateBusters Online Campaign.
Target: young people aged 13-24

HateBusters App
is a mobile app that has the aim to educate both young people and youth workers on real life cases of hate speech. The app includes information about how to recognize hate speech, different levels of hate speech and how to respond/address it. The app has two profiles one for youth workers-educators and one for young people. The app apart from the information part, includes a simulation game where the user can choose a profile and she/he can respond to hate speech cases.